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Transvaginal Mesh (TVM) Lawsuit


Transvaginal Mesh (TVM) Lawsuit

During the past decade, juries have returned numerous verdicts against transvaginal mesh manufacturers. After fighting their cases in court, plaintiffs have received millions of dollars in compensation for medical bills, injuries, and emotional damage. Transvaginal mesh makers have settled thousands of legal claims for roughly $8 billion.

The first transvaginal mesh lawsuits went to trial in 2012 and 2013. Since then, multiple transvaginal mesh producers have lost multimillion-dollar lawsuits. Many companies have agreed to large legal settlements to avoid facing plaintiffs in courtrooms, but others have delayed proceedings and settlements.

Rates and Risks Associated with Transvaginal Mesh Devices

Transvaginal mesh (TVM) devices, commonly used for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repair, have been linked to various complications. Research indicates a significant variance in complication rates, but a comprehensive review by D. Barski and D.Y. Deng in BioMed Research International found that these rates generally fall between 15% and 25%.

Common Complications Include:

  • Vaginal Mesh Erosion: Notably prevalent, affecting about 10.3% of patients according to a 2013 study.
  • Infection and Pelvic Pain: Frequent complaints among affected individuals.
  • Urinary Issues: Various urinary problems have been reported post-surgery.
  • Prolapse/Incontinence Recurrence: Some patients experience a return of the initial symptoms.
  • Organ Perforation: Involves the bowels, bladder, and blood vessels, typically happening during mesh insertion.
  • Vaginal Scarring and Pain during Intercourse: These contribute significantly to decreased quality of life post-procedure.
  • Serious Side Effects: Include other potentially life-threatening issues.

The FDA has identified several complications associated with transvaginal mesh devices. These include:

  • Erosion of the Mesh: This occurs when the mesh wears through the vaginal tissue.
  • Infections: Using mesh can sometimes lead to severe infections.
  • Pelvic Pain: Patients frequently report persistent pain in the pelvic area.
  • Urinary Problems: Issues such as urinary incontinence or difficulty urinating may arise.
  • Recurrence of Prolapse or Incontinence: Despite the surgery, some patients experience a return of their original issues.
  • Organ Perforation: During the insertion process, there is a risk of damaging the bowels, bladder, or blood vessels.
  • Vaginal Scarring: This condition can lead to discomfort and further complications.
  • Dyspareunia: Pain during sexual intercourse is a common complaint.
  • Other Severe Complications: Additional serious and potentially life-threatening side effects can occur.

Each of these complications can significantly impact the patient’s quality of life, emphasizing the need for careful consideration and management of transvaginal mesh devices.

Transvaginal mesh is used as a surgical solution for pelvic organ prolapse (POP), a condition where the pelvic organs push against the vaginal walls due to weakened pelvic muscles. The mesh acts as a reinforcing structure, providing support to these muscles. This helps keep the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum, in their correct positions.

Benefits and Risks

While transvaginal mesh offers the benefit of enhanced support and potentially reduced recurrence of prolapse, it comes with certain risks. These can include:

  • Infections: The foreign material can introduce bacteria, leading to infections.
  • Nerve Damage: Improper installation or the body’s reaction to the mesh can cause nerve issues.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Some patients report chronic pain post-surgery.

Pelvic organ prolapse can be managed with several noninvasive treatments designed to strengthen the pelvic floor and alleviate symptoms like urinary incontinence. Here are a few options:

Physical Therapies

Engaging in specific physical therapy exercises can help improve the strength and function of the pelvic floor muscles. Techniques such as Kegel exercises, biofeedback, and pelvic floor physical therapy sessions are commonly recommended.


Pessaries are silicone devices inserted into the vagina to support the pelvic organs. These devices come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different needs and can be managed by the patient, reducing the dependence on frequent medical visits.

Both options aim to offer significant relief without the need for surgical intervention, making them practical choices for many women managing pelvic organ prolapse.

If you’ve had a transvaginal mesh (TVM) implant, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to ensure your health and well-being.

  1. Schedule Regular Checkups
  • Annual Visits: Make sure to have annual checkups with your healthcare provider. These visits are essential for monitoring any potential complications or adverse reactions related to the implant.
  • Stay Vigilant: Even if you feel fine, regular checkups can catch early signs of issues before they become severe.
  1. Monitor for Symptoms

Be aware of and watch out for any new or unusual symptoms. Some signs that may indicate complications include:

  • Bleeding: Unexpected vaginal bleeding.
  • Discharge: Unusual or persistent discharge.
  • Pain: Any new or increasing pain, particularly in the pelvic area.
  1. Consult Your Doctor Promptly

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Early intervention can often prevent more severe health issues.

  1. Consider Legal Advice

Experiencing complications from a TVM implant may warrant legal action. You might want to consult with an experienced medical device attorney to discuss your options for pursuing a negligence claim. Legal advice can offer insight into whether you have a viable case and guide you through the process if you choose to proceed.

By following these steps, you can better manage your health and respond promptly to any issues that may arise from your TVM implant.

Transvaginal mesh (TVM) devices have been the subject of significant legal scrutiny and numerous lawsuits. Several major companies have been involved in the production of these medical devices. Here are some of the primary manufacturers:

  1. Endo Pharmaceuticals/American Medical Systems, Inc.
  2. Boston Scientific
  3. C.R. Bard, Inc.
  4. Ethicon, a division of Johnson & Johnson

During the past decade, juries have returned numerous verdicts against transvaginal mesh manufacturers. Plaintiffs have received millions of dollars in compensation for medical bills, injuries, and emotional damage after fighting their cases in court. More than 100,000 lawsuits have been filed against the makers of transvaginal mesh (TVM) products. Transvaginal mesh makers have settled thousands of legal claims for roughly $8 billion.

As of August 2024, vaginal mesh settlements have generally ranged between $40,000 and $450,000. Plaintiffs who have pursued their cases to trial have, in some instances, secured multi-million-dollar jury verdicts, though several of these awards have been reduced or overturned on appeal.

The compensation each plaintiff may receive in a transvaginal mesh settlement is influenced by various factors, including the severity of their physical injuries, the plaintiff’s age, and the extent of medical treatment required. Engaging an experienced transvaginal mesh attorney is essential to effectively navigating the legal process and maximizing potential settlement outcomes.

If you have experienced injuries resulting from a transvaginal mesh implant and have sought medical treatment, you may be eligible for a transvaginal mesh settlement. Attorneys currently accepting cases typically focus on clients who have recently undergone mesh removal or required revision surgeries. A specialized transvaginal mesh attorney can provide a definitive assessment of your eligibility.

To determine if you qualify,  your attorney will inquire about various aspects of your transvaginal mesh experience. These inquiries typically include the date of your implant, the onset of complications, and the nature of the treatments you have received to address these issues.

It is crucial to be aware of the statute of limitations, which imposes a time limit on filing a lawsuit for a potential transvaginal mesh settlement. If this period has expired, you may be barred from pursuing a claim. However, it is advisable to consult with an attorney regardless, as there may still be legal avenues available to you.

Speak with a Medical Product Liability Attorney

If you’ve been injured by a transvaginal mesh device, it’s crucial to seek legal advice to understand your options. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Schedule a Consultation:
    • Contact us, we specialize in medical product liability.
    • Even if you are unsure about filing a lawsuit immediately, speaking with our network of experienced attorneys can provide clarity.
  2. Understand the Financials:
    • Consumer help group offers free consultations, so you won’t have to worry about upfront fees.
    • Often, legal fees are contingent on winning your case. This means you only pay if you receive a financial settlement.
  3. Prepare for Your Meeting:
    • Gather all relevant medical records and any documentation related to the product in question.
    • Write down any questions or concerns you have so you can discuss them during your consultation.
  4. Know Your Rights:
    • Our network of attorneys will guide you through your legal rights and potential courses of action.
    • Understanding these steps can help you make an informed decision without feeling rushed.

Following these steps will ensure you’re well-prepared and informed about your legal options without any upfront financial risk. Don’t hesitate to reach out; knowledge is your first step toward resolution.

Our consultations are free with no obligation to determine if you qualify for potential compensation for a claim and the lawsuit. Get free advice about the compensation you deserve. Have a case? Let’s find out together. Our dedicated team will assess your situation and provide you with the guidance you need at no cost.
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