
1703 Vestal Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33071


+1 888-853-0256




It now appears that there may be thousands of former victims who were subjected to sexual abuse as children at the hands of priests, ministers, and other church members.

Our clergy sex abuse lawyers represent these abuse victims in civil lawsuits against the churches and religious organizations that failed to protect them.

Priest and Clergy Sexual Abuse encompasses a range of illegal and improper acts often perpetrated against children and adolescents by pedophilic priests or other clergy members involving sexual assault of varying degrees.

The assault can be a one-time, non-consensual encounter or it can involve several assaults within an ongoing interaction.

For example, an ongoing “trusting” relationship with a child spawned by the predatory behavior of a clergy member, cloaked with the trust and reverence imputed to a member of the clergy, leading to non-consensual sexual assaults acts of molestation. Read more about recent publicized abuse reports here.

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