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Services/ Camp Lejeune injury Lawsuit


Camp Lejeune Injury Lawsuit


If you Served, Worked and/or Lived on the Camp Lejeune Marine Base, Located in North Carolina between the years of 1953 through 1987. You may Qualify for compensation due to Toxic water. Fill out the Claim information below to see if you are eligible for a Claim.

Testing procedures done in 1983 uncovered that water sources at Camp Lejeune were indeed Contaminated with Toxic Chemicals. Upwards to almost a million Marines and their families were exposed to harmful chemicals found in the water during the years of 1953-1987.
All chemicals found were known to be carcinogenic and harmful to humans. 

The documented levels of these substances were extremely high and considered unacceptable level in some instances.
Some of the chemicals described and founded are:

Now we can help! The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 has been implemented to assist and ensure that Veterans, their family members, and patriots living and working at the base during the years of 1953-1987 Whom have been harmed and affected by the water contamination are able to receive fair compensation.
We are here to help. Fill out the form for a Free Case Evaluation

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